Ðàçãîâîðû îá Àìåðèêå www.gerasimov.org
:: |
Slava ÍËÎ
: 10.03.2003 : 4182 : at this moment Stamford CT
: , 29, 2010 1:22pm : Re: äðóçüÿ, îöåíèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîå cover letter |
Pchelka (): |
À ñêîëüêî âàñ òàì?
- Öâàíöèõú!
Íåò, ýòî ïðîñòî î÷åïÿòêà) |
Åñëè â ñëîâå õëåá ñäåëàòü 4 îøèáêè òî ïîëó÷èòñÿ ïèâî _________________ Good judgment comes from expirience.
Expirience comes from bad judgment |
Pchelka Íîâè÷îê
: 22.07.2010 : 7 : Îìñê
: , 30, 2010 2:47am : Re: äðóçüÿ, îöåíèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîå cover letter |
Äàâàéòå ïî äåëó: îöåíèì ìîå ðåçþìå _________________ Do what you like, like what you do |
Hashish Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 06.03.2008 : 1231
: , 30, 2010 1:27pm : Re: äðóçüÿ, îöåíèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîå cover letter |
Pchelka (): |
Äàâàéòå ïî äåëó: îöåíèì ìîå ðåçþìå |
Âåñüìà íåïëîõî. |
Slava ÍËÎ
: 10.03.2003 : 4182 : at this moment Stamford CT
: , 30, 2010 2:00pm : Re: äðóçüÿ, îöåíèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîå cover letter |
Pchelka (): |
Äàâàéòå ïî äåëó: îöåíèì ìîå ðåçþìå |
Ïîïðîáóþ. Òàê êàê White Owl óæå ïîêîâûðÿëñÿ ñ íèì òàì ïðàâäà óæå ìàëî, ÷òî îñòàëîñü.
: |
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am responding to the Event Manager internship position of the program for young experts in your company that was recently posted on a site monster.com. I believe that I satisfy the specified requirements for participation in the program. I’ve heard many positive responses about your company and I would like to join it.
I received nessesary knowledge and skills in public relations, marketing and advertising during my course of study at philological faculty of Omsk State University named after F.M.Dostoevsky which I can successfully apply, working at your company. (ß ýòî ïåðåïèñàë ïîòîìó, ÷òî ÿ äóìàþ ëþáîé íîðìàëüíûé àìåðèêàíåö ñïîòêíåòñÿ íàä íàçâàíèåì óíèâåðà è ïåðåñòàíåò äàëüøå ÷èòàòü âñå ïðåäëîæåíèå.
In 2008 I had summer internship in "Port o’Call" company, NJ, Ocean City. Being part of marketing department has given me the chance to master the basic methods and [îñòàòîê ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íå ïîíÿòåí] receptions of advertising shares organization of a company, to reveal development tendencies event market.
Currently I am working as an event manager at The Exhibition and Advertising Agency, Omsk, Russia. I am responsible for(?) the organization of exhibitions, conferences, business meetings, seminars, summits, and other events ranging from 10 to 500 people (öèôðû ïîäñòàâëåíû îò áàëäû). In the past two (three) years I managed over 30 various projects. Among them: «Sports. Youth. Health», a forum of vacancies «I Wish To Work», an exhibition-fair of the consumer goods «Christmas week», an orthodox exhibition «Silvestr – Light of the Earth Siberian», an exhibition «Culture – creation time», the First congress of businessmen, the Czech congress, the Young Entrepreneurs International Business Forum «Joining Forces To Define The Future», Constantly operating exhibition devoted to the centenary of the First commercial and industrial Siberian exhibition in Omsk, The exhibition devoted to the 65th-anniversary of the victory in the World War II «The way the victory was achieved», and many other. (À íàäî ñòîëüêî èõ ïåðå÷èñëÿòü? Ìîæåò îñòàâèòü 3 ñàìûå ñëîæíûå ïî îðãàíèçàöèè? ß ëè÷íî âåñü ñïèñêî ÷èòàòü íå ñòàë è ïðîïóñòèë ñåðåäèíó)
In my line of duties I constantly work with foreign delegations. As event manager I participated (à òû ìîæåøü ñêàçàòü coordinated ? participate ìîæíî è íà óðîâíå ïðèíåñòè êîôå many successful contracts with the Italian, French, Estonian, German, Indian companies.
I speak and write in English fluently, have passed a course of business English.
Internship abroad has confirmed my desire to work in the multinational company. My creativness, project coordinating talent, hardworking abilities have contributed to a number of successful exhibitions projects. The enclosed resume outlines my accomplishments in detail.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Svetlana Aleksandrova
_________________ Good judgment comes from expirience.
Expirience comes from bad judgment |
Pchelka Íîâè÷îê
: 22.07.2010 : 7 : Îìñê
: , 2, 2010 7:16am : Re: äðóçüÿ, îöåíèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ìîå cover letter |
Ñïàñèáî, Slava!
_________________ Do what you like, like what you do |
Helen_NJ Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 13.11.2003 : 1539 : NC, USA
: , 6, 2010 3:35am : |
Pchelka, âàøå cover letter ñëèøêîì äëèííîå äëÿ ïîçèöèè èíòåðíà. ß ïîíèìàþ, ÷òî âû î÷åíü ãîðäèòåñü, ÷òî âàø óíèâåðñèòåò íîñèò èìÿ çàìå÷àòåëüíîãî ðóññêîãî ïèñàòåëÿ, íî äëÿ ñðåäíåãî àìåðèêàíñêîãî HRîâöà ÷òî Ïóïêèí, ÷òî Äîñòîåâñêèé - îäèí ÷åðò. À ïèñàòü "Sir/Madam" ÷åðåç ÷åðòî÷êó - ýòî ïðîñòî ãðóáî.
Áåç ïðåòåíçèè íà èñòèíó â ïîñëåäíåé èíñòàíöèè âîò êàê ïðèìåðíî äîëæíî âûãëÿäåòü òîëêîâîå cover letter:
: |
Dear Sir or Madam,
As an IT professional with over 6 years of experience, I am writing in response to your message on <web site> regarding a Desktop Support/IT Specialist position.
In addition to proficiency in PC maintenance and network administration, I offer solid knowledge of office software and excellent customer service skills. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials in greater detail.
If you are interested in a friendly, responsible and dedicated professional, please call me at ... or e-mail: ... . I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, |
Cover letter äîëæíî ïîáóäèòü ÷èòàòåëÿ îòêðûòü ðåçþìå, âîò è âñ¸. Íèêòî íå áóäåò ñòîëüêî "ìíîãî áóêàô" ïåðå÷èòûâàòü, íà ïîçèöèè èíòåðíîâ ðåçþìå îáû÷íî ïðèõîäÿò ñîòíÿìè. |
Pchelka Íîâè÷îê
: 22.07.2010 : 7 : Îìñê
: , 6, 2010 4:47am : |
ñïàñèáî, Helen.
Ïðèìåì ê ñâåäåíèþ
_________________ Do what you like, like what you do |
Hashish Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 06.03.2008 : 1231
: , 6, 2010 5:37pm : |
Helen_NJ (): |
ïèñàòü "Sir/Madam" ÷åðåç ÷åðòî÷êó - ýòî ïðîñòî ãðóáî. |
Íàì ïðèõîäèë øåäåâð: "Dear Sir/Mama". Ðåêðóòåðû áûëè ôøîêå. |
Àðòåì Ìîäåðàòîð
: 10.03.2003 : 8295 : Russia, Ufa
: , 7, 2010 8:37pm : |
Hashish (): |
Helen_NJ (): |
ïèñàòü "Sir/Madam" ÷åðåç ÷åðòî÷êó - ýòî ïðîñòî ãðóáî. |
Íàì ïðèõîäèë øåäåâð: "Dear Sir/Mama". Ðåêðóòåðû áûëè ôøîêå. |
Pchelka Íîâè÷îê
: 22.07.2010 : 7 : Îìñê
: , 9, 2010 1:58am : |
Íàì ïðèõîäèë øåäåâð: "Dear Sir/Mama". Ðåêðóòåðû áûëè ôøîêå.[/quote]
_________________ Do what you like, like what you do |
Hashish Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 06.03.2008 : 1231
: , 9, 2010 8:58pm : |
Åù¸ â òîé æå ïàïî÷êå ëåæàò:
* êàâåð-ëåòòåð ñ íåïîíÿòíûì [íàñêàëüíûì] ðèñóíêîì, èçîáðàæàþùèì êðóã è ðàçíåñåííûå ïî åãî îêðóæíîñòè êâàäðàòû. Ñàìàÿ óìíàÿ òåîðèÿ - ýòî ñèìôàëëèçèðóåò ñïîñîáíîñòü çàÿâèòåëÿ ðàáîòàòü â êîìàíäå (íà êðóãëûé ñòîë ïîõîæå). Ñàìûå ãëóïûå ÿ îçâó÷èâàòü çäåñü ïîñòåñíÿþñü.  òåêñòå êàâåðà ïîÿñíåíèé ê ðèñóíêó íåò.
* ðåçþìå îò áåëîðóññêîãî êðåíäåëÿ ñ ôîòî. Ôîòî âûãëÿäèò òàê, êàê áóäòî ïðîøëî ÷åðåç òðè ôàêñà ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíî.
* ðåçþìå ñ òåêñòîì "[òóò íå çàáûòü âñòàâèòü âñ¸ ïèçäîáîëüñòâî ïðî ABC inc.]" â ðàçäåëå "îïûò".
Òàì åù¸ ÷åãî-òî, íî ÿ óæå íå ïîìíþ. |
Àðòåì Ìîäåðàòîð
: 10.03.2003 : 8295 : Russia, Ufa
: , 10, 2010 5:12am : |
Hashish (): |
* ðåçþìå ñ òåêñòîì "[òóò íå çàáûòü âñòàâèòü âñ¸ ïèçäîáîëüñòâî ïðî ABC inc.]" â ðàçäåëå "îïûò".
Âèäèìî, çàáûë-òàêè âñòàâèòü. |
Andrew Ãëàâíûé òðåïà÷
: 01.03.2003 : 10421 : Èðêóòñê, RU -> Los Angeles, US
: , 10, 2010 6:23am : |
Àðòåì (): |
Âèäèìî, çàáûë-òàêè âñòàâèòü. |
Ïðîñòî õîòåë âûäåëèòüñÿ èç îáùåé ìàññû _________________ Àíäðåé Ãåðàñèìîâ |
Vsevolod P. Íîâè÷îê
: 21.08.2010 : 1 : Ðîññèÿ, Óôà
: , 21, 2010 3:49pm : |
Ïîêðèòèêóéòå ïîæàëóéñòà ðåçþìå
Vsevolod Parfenov
Location: Russia
Contacts: ...
C#/.NET/Mono Software Developer
A highly motivated and experienced IT professional with excellent problem solving skills seeking C# software developer position, where those skills, along with positive attitude, will strengthen clients to bring more efficient solutions. I can work without any supervision.
C# (.NET/Mono) - 4 years (WinForms/WPF)
Delphi - 7 years
C/C++ - 2 years
Database: MySQL, MS SQL, MS Access
Networking: TCP/IP, UDP, proprietary protocols
Version control systems: Subversion, Mercurial, Git
Software: Visual Studio .NET 2008, Resharper, Araxis Merge
OS: Windows/Linux
Very energetic and ready to take new challenges. Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Extensive experience in writing system components from Data Access Layer to UI layer, Windows Services, TCP Socket and Business Rule implementation.
Work Experience:
Tehohrana, Ufa, Russia, 2004 - Current
Lead Software Developer
* Design and implement distributed software system using C#.NET and Visual Studio 2008 (cross-platform: Windows and Linux)
* Create deployment packages (NUnit, NCover, NAnt, Inno setup)
* Support systems implementation and maintenance
* Participate in evaluation and testing of new tools and technologies
* Protect software with SenseLock Dongle
* Support and develop solutions written in Delphi
* Assist programmers of embedded remote device to write communication layer to server via GPRS
I design and develop distributed system which intended to monitor and control remote objects.
For now it has two applications:
* Operator can monitor and control cathodic protection rectifiers (oil and gas pipelines protection mostly)
* Operator can monitor objects under guard and see when door is open or some sensor is alarming (contract security agencies)
For data transmission this system uses GSM (SMS/Calls) and GPRS channels between remote objects and server and WAN/LAN to operator part of software.
Deep Games, Ufa, 2005 - 2006
C++ Software Developer
* Developed an MMORPG game server using C++/STL
WinPeak Int., Ufa, 2003 - 2005
Software Developer
* Developed the CRM solution for Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd in Russia, (Winpeak CRM SDK, MS SQL)
* Developed Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) module for CRM system (Delphi, TAPI)
* Developer integration module to Infra CallCenter (Delphi, Infra COM API)
* Wrote several PHP/MySQL scripts for WinPeak web site (including WinPeak CRM license registration script)
* Developed and supported Communication center - WinPeak CRM Server-side (WinSocket, SMTP, POP3, cryptography)
* Developed and optimized SQL queries for ORACLE and MS SQL (for several solutions)
Regional Unit Of Long-distance Communications, Ufa, 2002 - 2003
C++ Software Developer
* Supported and developed the pre-billing system for long distance calls within the team (Visual C++, FoxPro, DBF)
* Wrote documentation for pre-billing system
* Designed database for registration of hardware resources for enterprise
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Master of Computer Science, 1997 - 2003
GPA: 3.48
Reference in US available upon request. |
Half-back Íîâè÷îê
: 04.11.2010 : 36 : Rostov on Don
: , 16, 2011 3:40pm : Îöåíèòå ïîæàëóéñòà ðåçþìå!!! |
Andrey Lastname, B.Eng
¹¹ XXXXXXXXXX st., Apt. ¹, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, ¹¹¹¹¹¹,
TEL.: 011-7-¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹. E-mail: XXXXX.YYYYYY@gmail.com
Seeking for a challenging position with a technology company that will allow me to apply my skills of being a computer engineer. I desire to gain quality experience that will allow me to take full advantage of my potential. In addition, I am eager to contribute my creativity and hard work towards the success of your company and to the growth of the fast developing field.
Professional Skills
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills,
• Systematic knowledge of telecommunication service, sales and quality of services,
• Especially good of selling to high level executive,
• Capability of interpreting different instructions in verbal, written or diagram form,
• Achieving goals and sales quotas consistently,
• Responsible, energetic, quick study, with an ability to easily grasp and put into application new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies,
• Dedicated, innovative and self-motivated team player,
• Leadership, organization, interpersonal, analytical, and problem resolution skills (Lead indoor football corporate team),
• Knowledge of computer networks buildings,
• Experienced with TCP/IP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP, RIP, ARP, FTP, HTTP, DNS protocols,
• Configured Cisco, Juniper network devices,
• Proficient in the use of various computer programs and applications such as MS Office 2003/2007, Outpost Firewall, FTP-Server G6, HTTP-server, Apache, Proxi-server, User Gate, Traffic Inspector, VMware, OS Windows 2003 Server/XP/Vista/7.
Work Experience
Rostelecom Inc., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
08/01/2010 – present
Networking Engineer
• Provided technical support to the customers,
• Monitored device status condition of southern branch network (South and North- Caucasus Districts),
• Worked with Switches (Cisco: 2960, 4000, 3750, 6509, 3560), Routers (Cisco 7206, Juniper MX40, M120, M320, MX480, T640),
• Troubleshooted network problems and conflicts.
• Suggest improvements in speed of the operations and processes to make the system foolproof. (Shared database, coordination between departments).
Rostelecom Inc., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
08/24/2009 – 07/31/2010
Sales representative (B2B)
• Provided information or express about service’s capability and provide details to clients that how this service will complete their needs. Met with customers to promote the new product by giving demos, made commercial offers.
• Created good working and trust relationships with 4 big telcos and some medium companies, fielding question and many more.
• Designed an installation diagram of networking, equipment for companies such as state agencies, banks and other.
• Prepared presentations for customers, assisted in reviewing topology and closing opportunity. Provided design support, up gradation and changes to the existing systems.
• Helped in technical setup. Also responsible for providing detailed reports of overall behavior users.
• Team up with the project managers and technicians to ensure the final design.
• Ensure employees provided highest standards of customer satisfaction and quality service at all times.
InfoTECS Telecom Inc., Taganrog, Russia
09/01/2007 – 04/01/2008
Sales representative, support engineer
• Met with customers and monitored quality of service,
• Promoted and sold Internet access via xDSL technology,
• Signed contacts with customers and prepared interior documentation,
• Installed specific settings, tuned xDSL modems.
Southern Federal University (2004 -2009)
Diploma in radio electronic and telecommunication systems,
Radio technical department.
Russian, English.
Available upon request. |
Hashish Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 06.03.2008 : 1231
: , 16, 2011 4:50pm : |
Âòîðóþ ñòðîêó ñ àäðåñîì ÿ áû óáðàë, âñ¸ ðàâíî â ãîñòè íèêòî íå ïîéä¸ò, íåêîòîðûå ìîãóò ïåðåñòàòü ÷èòàòü íà ñëîâå "Ðîññèÿ".
Ñêèëëñ íèà÷¸ì âîîáùå. Î÷åíü ìàëî êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ î òåõíîëîãèÿõ, êîòîðûìè âëàäååòå (ios? junos?), ìíîãî âîäû (ôóòáîë? íóíàõ), ñëîâî "proxy" ñ îøèáêîé. Îôèñ 03 óæå â ýêñòåíäåä ñóïïîðòå, ïîìåíÿéòå íà 2010, àíàëîãè÷íî ñ Windows 2003 - 2008 R2.
Îïûò 1 - íåïîíÿòíî, çà÷åì ïðî Êàâêàç, ýòî èìååò êàêîå-òî çíà÷åíèå? Âñå action verbs â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè, â suggest â íàñòîÿùåì.
Îïûò 2 - ôðàçà "Provided information or express about service’s capability and provide details to clients that how this service will complete their needs." ñíîñèò ìîçã, ÿ áû óáðàë. "made commercial offers" = prepared proposals? ×î òàêîå "ôèëäèíã êâåø÷îí" ÿ áåç ïîíÿòèÿ. Àíàëîãè÷íî "closing opportunity". "overall behavior users" - îáùåå ïîâåäåíèå ïîëüçîâàòåëåé? Êàê è â ïðåäûäóùåì ïóíêòå - prepared, designed, íî ensure.
Îïûò 3 - "interior documentation" = internal documentation.
 öåëîì íàïèñàíî íåñêîëüêî ìóðçèëêîïîäîáíî, îñîáåííî ó÷èòûâàÿ òî, ÷òî ñâîè íàâûêè îáùåíèÿ âû ñòàâèòå íà ïåðâîå ìåñòî â ñêèëëñàõ. Íî ïîïðàâèìî. |
Half-back Íîâè÷îê
: 04.11.2010 : 36 : Rostov on Don
: , 17, 2011 6:34pm : |
Hashish, îãðîìíîå ñïàñèáî! ß âîâðåìÿ óñëûøàë íóæíûå ñëîâà, â íèõ äîñòàòî÷íî êîíêðåòèêè, íåñìîòðÿ íà òî, ÷òî ðåçþìå â öåëîì ïîêà ñëàáîâàòî.
* óøåë ðåäàêòèðîâàòü * |
Helen_NJ Æèòåëü ôîðóìà
: 13.11.2003 : 1539 : NC, USA
: , 18, 2011 2:45am : |
Êëþ÷åâîé âîïðîñ - ãäå âû ðàáîòó èùåòå? Åñëè â ÑØÀ, òî åñòü ëè ó âàñ green card? Åñëè íåò, òî IMHO ðåçþìå ìîæíî è íå ðåäàêòèðîâàòü. |
Half-back Íîâè÷îê
: 04.11.2010 : 36 : Rostov on Don
: , 20, 2011 9:33am : |
 ÑØÀ, íåò GC.
Ïî÷åìó âû òàê ñ÷èòàåòå? |
Half-back Íîâè÷îê
: 04.11.2010 : 36 : Rostov on Don
: , 23, 2011 6:56am : |
Ïîäïðàâèë ðåçþìå, îíî ïðåòåðïåëî ðÿä ñóùåñòâåííûõ èçìåíåíèé, ïðîøó ïðîêîììåíòèðîâàòü.
Andrey Last name,
TEL.: 011-7-¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹. E-mail: XXXXX.YYYYYY@gmail.com
Seeking a challenging position with a leading edge technology company that will allow me to apply my computer engineering skills. I desire to gain quality experience that will allow me to take full advantage of my potential. In addition, I am eager to contribute my creativity and hard work ethic towards the success of your company and to the growth of fast developing fields.
Professional Skills Summary
• Installation, expertise configuration, troubleshooting of computer networks,
• Effectively worked with a wide range of hardware,
• Proficient in the use of various computer programs and applications.
• Extensive experience with telecommunication systems upgrading and optimizing,
• Keen ability to quickly learn, grasp and put into effect new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies,
• Strong leadership, organization, interpersonal, analytical, and problem resolution skills,
• Good verbal and written communication skills,
Work Experience
Rostelecom, Inc., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
08/01/2010 – present
Networking Engineer
• Provide technical support to the customers,
• Successfully maintain service availability according to SLA (Service Level Agreement),
• Monitor device status condition of the Russian southern branch network,
• Install and expertly configure network devices (switches, routers, modems, convertors),
• Troubleshoot and promptly solve network problems and conflicts,
• Suggested improvements for speeding up operations and processes to make the system foolproof (shared database, coordination between departments).
Rostelecom, Inc., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
08/24/2009 – 07/31/2010
Sales Representative (B2B)
• Met with customers to promote service (Internet access, Virtual Private Network, long-distance communication) by giving presentations and preparing proposals. Provided design support, upgrading and changes to existing systems,
• Created excellent working and trust relationships with four big and some medium telecommunication companies,
• Designed an installation diagram of networking, equipment (hardware) for companies such as state agencies, banks, etc.,
• Helped in leading and coordination of hardware setup for customers’ systems,
• Teamed up with the project managers and technicians to ensure the success of the final system design,
• Ensured employees provided the highest standards of customer satisfaction and quality service at all times.
InfoTECS Telecom, Inc., Taganrog, Russia
09/01/2007 – 04/01/2008
Sales Representative and Support Engineer (B2C)
• Met with customers and monitored quality of service,
• Aggressively promoted and sold Internet access via xDSL technology,
• Signed contracts with customers and prepared internal documentation,
• Installed specific settings, tuned xDSL modems.
Southern Federal University (2004 -2009)
Bachelors degree in Engineering.
Major: radio electronic and telecommunication systems,
Radio technical department.
Technical Inventory
Switches (Cisco: 2960, 3560, 3750, 4500, 6500),
Routers (Cisco 7200, Juniper MX40, M120, M320, MX480, T640),
Modems (D-Link, ZyXEL),
Converters (RAD RIC E1, E-gate 100).
Operating systems
Cisco IOS , JUNOS, Windows Server 2008 R2/XP/Vista/7.
Data transitions: TCP, UDP,
Routing: OSPF, ISIS, BGP, RIP,
Network: IP (v4, v6), ICMP, ARP,
Application: DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, POP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP,
Link: Ethernet, PPPoE, PPP, 802.11 WiFi, STP,
Outpost Firewall, G6 FTP-Server, Apache, Proxy-server, User Gate, Traffic Inspector, VMware, MS Office 2007/2010.
Russian (native language) and English.
Available upon request.
_________________ Stay hungry, stay foolish. (C) |
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